Repairs and retouches

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Local repairs and retouches of the coating may occur for two primary reasons. In principle, these are repairs of defects in the form of cracks and stains caused by mechanical or chemical causes. The fundamental moment is evaluating the problem, whether we want/need to make a correction from a functional point of view or the problem is only a cosmetic "defect". Since any subsequent connection of the coating is always more or less noticeable, it is recommended to consider whether such an additional step is necessary carefully. If we want to perform a repair or retouch, ideally, we always re-spread the entire surface! (To give an example - if we have a defect on the step, we do not only fix a local problem in the range of a few centimetres but rather re-spread the coating on the entire step).

Mechanical defects

Mechanical defects on coatings usually arise after the falls of various objects. Careless handling of heavy furniture, etc. It should be borne in mind that although concrete coatings have the appearance of sturdy concrete, they have similar durability to hardwood flooring. If the defect occurs, it is not a problem to repair the defect relatively easily in terms of functionality. From the esthetic point of view, the success of the repair is mainly due to the skill and feeling of the applicator, the shade and decoration of the coating, and above all the extent of the damage.

Repair of stains and colour nuances

If you decide to retouch the spots locally, you can use sanding or colour toning with pigments etc. However, the effort, which is usually made for such retouches, may not be directly proportional to the result. Therefore, it is easy to evaluate the situation in advance, whether it would be more beneficial in terms of time, energy, and benefit not to solve the problem locally but to re-spread the entire area with a new layer of coating.

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